Archive for August, 2008

Mystery: Final Update (or: It’s funny what you find out when you’re not looking)

Posted in death, Life story, Lost Love, Love, sorrow on August 5, 2008 by raven68

It’s a funny thing, life.

Just when you think that you have a pretty good idea of what to expect, something happens that should turn your life upside down, and make you question your entire belief in who you are and the people you know…but for whatever reason, doesn’t.

Instead, life continues on as though the potentially life-changing decision never happened, and you remain totally unaffected.

Take, for example, the woman that the past two blogs named ‘Mystery’ were about. I loved her, she ditched me in the most hurtful way possible, we met again, I realized that I’d never stopped loving her, she seemed to be even more messed up than she was when I knew her originally, she died, I spent almost a year grieving, I moved on, case closed.



The problem lies with the whole ‘She Died’ part….you see, it seems that if she did die, she suddenly got better.
Or, for whatever bizarre reasoning she’d held in her head, she lied and made me believe that she was dead…and let me grieve the death of a living person.

Either way, I should be utterly furious. But I’m not. To be honest, I feel kind of sorry for her.

But first, I know you’re probably wondering how I know that her ‘death’ was a huge lie, and what happened to let me find out, so I’ll tell you.

About 2 months ago I got an email off a site that I’m a member of, telling me that people that I know on that site have updated their profiles, so I wandered over to the site – and let’s face it, It was a dull Sunday afternoon and I was stuck for something to do. It was there that I saw that ‘Miss A’ had recently updated her profile.
Now, I’m a big believer in the afterlife, but I’m pretty certain that it does not have internet access.

I agonised over contacting her via the site, but finally decided against it, purely because – and as a friend said – it could be her grief-stricken ex, keeping her profile going as some kind of odd tribute to her….so I chose not to contact…also because (if I’m honest) I didn’t want to find out that she was disturbed enough to have lied about her own death to someone that she knew loved her.

End of story, right?

Well….not quite. It seems that some things want to be discovered, no matter how much you don’t want to discover them.

Moving forward six or so months after finding out about her online profile being updated, I’m wandering around a local supermarket, when I turn an aisle and see a ghost.

The ghost looks up, sees me staring open mouthed at her, and freezes. I then do something very uncharacteristic of me.

– I ran away.

It was only when I was heading toward the exit that the thought occurred to me that I’m not the one who had clearly faked my death, and so I’m not the one who should be running, and so I stopped dead and turned back, vaguely wondering why I’d ran away in the first place. The rest of my shopping trip was pretty uneventful, and despite a growing feeling that I was being watched, nothing more happened. So much so in fact that by the time I reached the queues at the checkout, I was wondering if I’d been mistaken, and I hadn’t seen her at all.

Then I looked around and saw her again.

She was doing that whole “I’m-looking-but-I’m-trying-to-look-like-I’m-not-looking” thing, and to be honest I was considering doing the same…but decided to go for the full-on “Shouldn’t-you-be-pushing-up-the-daisies?” glances. I eventually paid for my goods, and with satisfaction saw that she was doing the same. I was vaguely wondering wether it would be worth starting a conversation with her, but decided that other than heavy sarcasm, I had nothing to say to her, and so was about to leave when I was nearly knocked over by the ghost literally running with her goods to the exit.

Like I said, it’s a funny thing, life.
When I found out her profile was being regularly updated, I felt betrayed and felt that I needed to speak to her in order to find out why she lied about her death, and why she did that to a person that she knew loved her.

Now, I realize that it doesn’t matter why she did it. – I’m sure she had her reasons, and I’m sure that they may have made sense to her at the time.

As for now? Who can tell – But it looks like Miss A’s story isn’t as over as I once thought it was. And I am actually happy that things didn’t end for her in the way I thought they had.